mosaic law|mosaic law in English

laws which God gave to Moses for the People of Israel

Use "mosaic law|mosaic law" in a sentence

Below are sample sentences containing the word "mosaic law|mosaic law" from the English Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "mosaic law|mosaic law", or refer to the context using the word "mosaic law|mosaic law" in the English Dictionary.

1. Fatherly Instruction Under the Mosaic Law

2. What does the Mosaic Law emphasize?

3. The Mosaic Law clearly forbade bestiality.

4. The Mosaic Law covenant was perfect.

5. Christians are not under the Mosaic law.

6. The Mosaic Law promoted love above all else.

7. Were those not required under the Mosaic Law?’

8. The Mosaic Law had regulations about marriage and engagement.

9. Under the Mosaic Law, it is a capital offense.

10. Under the Mosaic Law, his parents had that duty.

11. The Mosaic Law was given to one nation —fleshly Israel.

12. How were civil-rights problems handled under the Mosaic Law?

13. □ What shows that the Mosaic Law emphasized mercy and compassion?

14. What was the levirate marriage mentioned in the Mosaic Law?

15. Because in the Mosaic Law, frogs were unclean for food.

16. 24:22) Christians are not bound by the Mosaic Law.

17. The Mosaic Law did not require an offering of wood.

18. How did the Mosaic Law reflect God’s view of marriage?

19. 2 That Law code, called the Mosaic Law, or simply “the Law,” was “holy and righteous and good.”

20. He contrasted the popular understanding of the Mosaic Law with the true intent of the Law.

21. They promised loyalty to their marriage contract, the Mosaic Law covenant.

22. Under the Mosaic Law, sacrifices were offered on a daily basis.

23. 13 Was the Mosaic Law a rigid, unmerciful body of rules?

24. He interpreted the Mosaic Law as if it were mere allegory.

25. 14 The Mosaic Law governed Israel’s affairs for over 1,500 years.